Summer is in full swing - which means it's time for outdoor events! MAX \ MAX productions decided to prepare some tips for the organizers, which will help to avoid some unobvious problems.
No. 1 Air conditioning
Air conditioning - for somebody it may sounds trivial, but if you are building a tent for a banquet, it is important to care that the quests will feel comfortable themselves under the scorching sun. Fortunately, this service is provided for rent for the events.
No. 2 Drinking Water
If you have a long installation period in the heat - it is necessary to provide drinking water for the installers at the rate of 2.5 liters per person each day. Of course, at small installations, the contractors deal with this issue themselves, but, with a work duration of several days, it would be nice to take care of this also by the organizer.
No. 3 Generator
When you are planning the outdoor installation - do not forget about the generator starting from the first installation day, to ensure both the operation of staff tents and elementary charging of screwdrivers. In addition, the same goes for dismantling - the installers will also use their tents and tools after the end of the event.
No. 4 Heaters
Summer in Russia is rather deceptive phenomenon. If you have a long installation, exciting and nighttime, provide heaters in the tents for the organizers and technicians. This also applies to warm clothes - do not be surprised, you may even need a winter jacket in the middle of the summer.
№5 Features of under-water works
If you will build up scenic structures in the water, then you will need the services of scuba divers, even if the pond is shallow (for example, a pool). In this case, it should be keeped in mind that there are some features in the work of scuba divers: 1) they always need a tent with a heater / or warm room in which they are restored between dives; 2) scuba divers have strictly regulated permitted duration of work. Asking them to do something overtime will not work, even for an additional fee.
No. 6 Temporary road
If you are far enough from the nearest asphalt road to the place of your construction, you will be urged to build your temporary road from concrete slabs for the entrance of special vehicles (from a forklift to Gazelle). Of course, this is an expensive pleasure, but extremely useful. Saving, you run the risk of stopping the installation in rainy weather, because the equipment will be stuck in the ground. Moreover, to close the slabs at the time of the event is possible with an artificial lawn, since it is relatively inexpensive.
№7 Equipment insurance
Also, I think that many organizers are faced with the aesthetic rejection by the client of tents / canopies / roofs in case of rain with the wording “I guarantee you, there will be no rain!” Well, “the customer is always right”, but it is still worthwhile to include insurance of equipment against possible damages in the estimate. Otherwise, the rental company will bill you for the repair / purchase of a new remote control (instead of being flooded with rain) for you, and this is quite expensive.
No. 8 Lighting installation site
Another point that often falls out of the checklist and is decided "on the spot" is the illumination of the installation site at night. Of course, some contractors themselves provide for themselves some kind of emergency light, but most often this light is not enough for everyone, especially if you have many different zones, and not everyone works in the zone of the main scene. It is worthwhile to take care of this issue in advance and, together with the technical director, draw up a lighting plan for the installation. Yes, this may require an additional order of inexpensive devices, but you must admit that working with normal lighting is more convenient, and most importantly faster than in the dark.
We hope you find these tips helpful. In general, all have a great summer and no rain! At least on the day of the event :)