Oriflame Global Diamond Conference 2019, Sydney
January 2019
ICC SYDNEY, Australia
This time the Oriflame 2019 Diamond Conference flew to on the edge of the earth - to one of the most amazing cities of the world and Australia - Sydney.
Based on the experience of foreign events and international communications, we performed the directing and production and technical parts of the event again.
The half-world distance and the huge difference of time zones were a tangible challenge, however, this didn't prevent us from making it beautiful!
Light design
Creating dynamic visual project scenario.
Technical direction
Full control of the project.
International projects
No borders in the implementation of projects of any scale.
Create a conceptual design ideas.
Direction сrew
The event at the site. The work of all services on the rig preparation and implementation.
Show сreation
Creating a show program, the development of the concept of numbers, script, video.