Oriflame Global Diamond Conference 2018, Tokyo
April 2018
Grand Prince Hotel New Takanawa, Tokyo, Japan
On 2018 the Oriflame company chose the capital of Japan - Tokyo - as the host-city of its Global Diamond Conference.
MAX \ MAX team fully realized show production and technical part of the project, including the stage design development.
Preparation of the 2days show was a big challenge - cause all discussions with the artists about the show were made distantly from Moscow. And one of our main tasks was to reflect during the show the main points and accents of Oriflame corporative culture. As a result - practically all performances were fully edited, including costumes, choreography and music.
Stage design
Creative development space of the future project.
Light design
Creating dynamic visual project scenario.
3D visualization
Recreating a realistic picture of the event preparation.
Technical direction
Full control of the project.
International projects
No borders in the implementation of projects of any scale.
Direction сrew
The event at the site. The work of all services on the rig preparation and implementation.
Show сreation
Creating a show program, the development of the concept of numbers, script, video.